DHL Mechanisierte Zustellbasis (MechZB) Deutsche Post i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDHL Mechanisierte Zustellbasis (MechZB) Deutsche Post


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8, Graf-Zeppelin-Straße, 91056, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5627099, Longitude: 10.9664665

kommentar 5

  • M N

    M N


    Without words ...... and the service center cannot do anything either. Then what is it for? I'm curious whether it will be charged again tomorrow morning. One star is really still too much. I could puke. Almost 2 weeks for a delivery within Germany. Monday June 07, 2021 17:13 local time | Unfortunately, delivery of the shipment was not possible today. Possible reasons: termination of the delivery tour due to illness, accident, exceeding working hours. We'll try the next working day. Monday June 07, 2021 09:21 local time | The shipment was loaded into the delivery vehicle. Delivery is expected to take place today. Wednesday June 02, 2021 15:56 local time | The delivery of the shipment is delayed. It is expected to take place on the next working day. 08:13 local time | The shipment was loaded into the delivery vehicle. Delivery is expected to take place today. Wednesday May 26, 2021 21:35 local time | The shipment has been processed by DHL and is being prepared for onward transport to the recipient's region. Germany Tuesday May 25, 2021 21:12 local time | The broadcast was announced electronically. As soon as the shipment has been processed by us, you will receive further information.

  • Bacon S3x

    Bacon S3x


    A bunch of incompetent idiots say the package was delivered even though the address doesn't exist.

  • Gu C

    Gu C


    Incredible. According to tracking, the package was loaded into the vehicle. Declared as "undeliverable" only 5 minutes later.

  • Dimitrios 07

    Dimitrios 07


    Dhl a joke it's the third time in the last 2 months that you can't find me! We live in the skyscraper and they don't feel like delivering, they don't even bother to get out of the car and ring the bell! They drive up to here, probably because of GPS, wait five minutes and then you're gone and my packet ends up in damp!

  • newsin aram

    newsin aram


    Unfortunately I have to press a star to be able to write a rating. Unbelievable what's going on is bad, it doesn't work Package has been there for days, is not loaded into the delivery vehicle.

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