Pinguin Textilpflege Servicegesellschaft mbH i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandPinguin Textilpflege Servicegesellschaft mbH



🕗 åbningstider

141/142, Friedrichstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 21480521
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5204466, Longitude: 13.3868918

kommentar 5

  • Tyrone Swarzwälder

    Tyrone Swarzwälder


    Great service that is worth the money, gives everything from cashmere sweaters to ties in dry cleaning without a guilty conscience and has never been disappointed.

  • François GAUTIER

    François GAUTIER


    Way too expensive...

  • Peter Wurst

    Peter Wurst


    Good day, on Friday, May 7th, 2020 at 4:55 p.m. I called the branch in Friedrichstrasse because my colleague at Alexanderplatz could not help me to make a liability insurance claim due to irreversible pollution. All I need is a letter that the original condition can no longer be restored by a specialist company. Either Penguin is not a specialist in textile cleaning, or the lady on the phone is just as incompetent as the lady in the branch on Alexanderplatz. The only competent person I reached that day is the lady from the branch in Alt-Glinicke. I am very disappointed with this lady's customer service. I have always been very happy with Penguin, a little expensive, but the service and quality have always been right. Dear management. Please reprimand the lady for better customer service. Training on how to handle damage claims against third parties would also be good. Kindest

  • Stephan B. Quinci

    Stephan B. Quinci


    Absolutely horrible dry cleaner - I brought a very expensive blouse (synthetic fabric) with a few sweat stains and they failed to remove a single one, and it some how looked worse than when I brought it. The top was poorly ironed and hung incorrectly such that the straps are now wrinkled. Finally there now appears a small damage to the seam that was either non existent or un recoconizable before but is now larger and noticeable. Terrible dry cleaner do not go here ever.

  • Ismael Maaytah

    Ismael Maaytah


    Wrong delivery date...made me come twice

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