Physiotherapie für die Seele i Berlin

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TysklandPhysiotherapie für die Seele



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17, Heinrich-Roller-Straße, 10405, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 163 6353725
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Latitude: 52.5304132, Longitude: 13.4239682

kommentar 4

  • Arno Niehm

    Arno Niehm


    I was looking for a physio in the neighborhood so that I could spontaneously book a massage appointment. That worked out wonderfully, on the same day! After taking a short anamnesis, the extremely good massage began with strong hands. Steffen quickly noticed that there was something wrong with me mentally, too, without being too intrusive in his questions and was also a very empathic and attentive listener, which I think is part of his concept. Mental relaxation too. It did really well. Gladly again !

  • Dagmar Heyn

    Dagmar Heyn


    The intensive body work with Steffen Arndt helped me to perceive my body more consciously, to understand its signals and to accept its reactions. The combination of personal conversations and working with the body was always a challenge. There was no prescribed route. With patience, experience and intuition, Steffen Arndt got involved with me and my daily form and helped me to find my own way. Thank you so much!

  • Svea Vogel

    Svea Vogel


    Steffen is a true philanthropist. He recognizes the connections between mental blockages and the associated somatizations and corrects them with precision, humor and great empathy. In addition to excellent physiotherapeutic treatment, Steffen's bodywork also helps when you are simply stressed from everyday life. Highly Recommended!

  • Ruth Heinzelmann

    Ruth Heinzelmann


    A great physiotherapist! He has a genuine interest in the healing process and also likes to try new things. I found that very impressive. He helped me a lot with his great professional competence and his wonderful sense of humor.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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