Novum Hotel Rega Stuttgart i Stuttgart

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandNovum Hotel Rega Stuttgart



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18-20, Ludwigstraße, 70176, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 711 619340
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7752948, Longitude: 9.1652027

kommentar 5

  • Flávio Thomazetti

    Flávio Thomazetti


    The neighborhood is awesome! The hotel has some little problems, but in general it is a good place to stay during your trip. Hint: Prefer to stay here during the winter! You'll have some problems in the summer.

  • Robert Meppelink

    Robert Meppelink


    Clean, closeby the center and very convenient comming from the airport with the train. Nice breakfast though expensive. Beware they close in xmas.

  • Thorsten Schaeff

    Thorsten Schaeff


    Very good value for money. Good central location. Only downside is the clunky key you have to carry around.

  • en

    Shneur Zalman Davidoff


    Staying at the novum hotel was an amazing experience right from the start. Friendly clerks checked me in without hassle, and the room was clean and ready for my arrival. They provide the main amenities and have easy 24 hour access to the hotel. The prices for extras such as drinks and the like was not in excess and rather cheap and the dining area was spotless and nice. I will stay there again next time I'm in Stuttgart!

  • Osama Rashid

    Osama Rashid


    + The most expensive hotel we stayed in, and the worst. You're paying for the location and nothing else. Oh, and it has a fridge. At least the staff are helpful. - The most expensive hotel we stayed in, and the worst. I wondered why it was the only hotel that didn't have a cancellation and refund policy and I now know why. The rooms are dated, there's no ramp to enter the hotel room so good luck if you have heavy luggage. The room had no AC, even though I requested for it. We live in the Middle East and need the AC, and for those two nights we stayed there, none of us slept properly and were drenched in sweat. They instead asked us to use the fan, like it's the 1900, and it sounded like an old plane's propeller at the lowest speed setting. We opened the windows a crack but they had transparent curtains so there goes our privacy. We didn't use the balcony door as the balcony was street-facing and almost ground level. Since I'm a 'Genius' member, we were entitled to a welcome drink, but that didn't happen either. The washroom was decent, but the washbasin used to get clogged easily, and so did the shower area. The room also has no safe nor kettle. There's one PC for browsing so if you need to book something, wait in line. Finally, while we've never cared about TV channels whenever we've travelled, this time, even the channels on the TV were different from the one in their schedule.

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