Hotel Rieker am Hauptbahnhof i Stuttgart

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TysklandHotel Rieker am Hauptbahnhof



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3, Friedrichstraße, 70174, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 711 2296580
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7836677, Longitude: 9.1787273

kommentar 5

  • Natasa K.

    Natasa K.


    I don't get why this hotel has so many bad reviews. The room was perfect, clean, the bed is comfortable. The cleaning ladies were asking us if we need anything or if the room needs cleaning. The receptionist was so kind and full of happiness. The best part of this hotel is it's location. I would gladly stay here again.

  • Stefan



    Reception staff was very welcoming, witty and friendly. They definitely are the highlight of this place and deserve better. Unfortunately it only goes downhill from here. Rooms are very small and seemingly unkempt. There are stains beneath the top sheet on the bed. The bathroom door doesn't open fully. Overall I'm not very happy to have to stay the night here. I really just wanna survive the night, get out as fast as possible and take breakfast somewhere else. Special thanks to the mindless jerks at corporate booking services for making this once in a lifetime (I hope) ride of this horror cabinet possible.

  • Henrik Baasch

    Henrik Baasch


    Old, worn down and uncomfortable. Our room was far too warm, despite heating off. If you only want a bed for the night, and like 30+'C, it's fine.

  • Thomas jensen

    Thomas jensen


    Fine hotel and breakfast buffet.

  • Julia Takagi

    Julia Takagi


    A lot of people are knocking this place, but we had a pleasant experience. It’s exactly what you pay for - nothing fancy, but you get a room and a bathroom. Everything was clean and the staff was nice and helpful. It is super close to the Stuttgart train station, so that was really nice. Overall, I’d say it’s worth the money.

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