Miu Miu - Nail Salon i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandMiu Miu - Nail Salon



🕗 åbningstider

Dircksenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Deutschland
kontakter telefon: +49 30 28449585
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5218558, Longitude: 13.4107809

kommentar 5

  • Peta Hillier

    Peta Hillier


    Doesn't exist

  • antoinette hoes

    antoinette hoes


    No frills. Professional. Great value.

  • de

    Anja Rehder


    Die Arbeitsleistung ist gut ebenso die Auswahl der Farben und Designs. Die Kunden Freundlichkeit und Kommunikation könnten besser sein. Hatte schon eine grobe nageldesignerin

  • Nicola Wallace

    Nicola Wallace


    Good service, not a long wait if you're a walk in. Very good selection of colours and designs, overall quite happy with my refill set of nails (pictured) its cheaper between 12 and 2pm, so saved a couple of euro here :)

  • Alexia Merrington

    Alexia Merrington


    The quality of UV manicures is good however, it's such a shame customer service is so bad. The worst is agreeing or just asking what the price of the treatment upfront is and then half way through the treatment they up the price. Even if it's just by 2-3 euro it's highly unprofessional. Also do not get a pedicure here. Very bad job & I had to ask for a base coat to be put in before colour & then they didn't even put a topcoat on. So sad as super convenient location & quality of UV gel manicures good.

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