icono Friseur Berlin Mitte i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tysklandicono Friseur Berlin Mitte



🕗 åbningstider

51, Dircksenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 28599209
internet side: friseur-berlin.icono.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.523284, Longitude: 13.4037881

kommentar 5

  • Nhat Nguyen

    Nhat Nguyen


    Ist used to go to this salon, but they have changed their price. Now it is expensive and totally not worth it for regular men haircuts. They charge me 43 Euro for a 25min haircut without washing. The stylist was just average, for the price you could go to a much nicer salon and you should!

  • Chris Honninger

    Chris Honninger


    I can simply vow for Christina who has, still does and I'm sure will continue to cut hair EXACTLY as I want it. Danke sehr!!

  • Anne Strauss

    Anne Strauss


    I love that they always fulfill my color wishes on point and make sure that this happens in the most possible healthy way. I’m happy and my hair is also happy and stays healthy! Very professional, creative and friendly staff!

  • Alice Wonder

    Alice Wonder


    Worst hair salon experience ever. Very arrogant personnel, really unkind given their high pricing. Such experiences should be a pleasant break after work, it really felt like punishment and the atmosphere was really really bad.

  • Floris de Bruijn

    Floris de Bruijn


    Arrogant, not customer orientated people. Went there more than a year and after the second time I arrived and my hairdresser was ‘sick’, so I could “choose another date”, I stopped overpaying for this unprofessional shop..

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