Le Meridien Stuttgart i Stuttgart

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLe Meridien Stuttgart



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30, Willy-Brandt-Straße, 70173, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE Alemania
kontakter telefon: +49 4971 122210
internet side: www.starwoodhotels.com
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Latitude: 48.7838477, Longitude: 9.1890496

kommentar 5

  • Jodi Verberne

    Jodi Verberne


    We had a great stay. The room was really nice. The pool and spa were great. It’s on a pretty busy street, but well connected to the city.

  • en

    Ilana Davis


    I was on a trip of leisure with a friend (who, as a platinum Marriott member, specified he wanted TWO rooms during his stay. When checking in, we learned that one of the rooms was not yet ready but that he was upgraded to the Diplomatic Suite (incredibly beautiful, and large). They said to put our things in that room and come back later for the second room, which would be connected. Upon our return, we were informed that ‘due to a system error’ we no longer had the second room and that the hotel was all booked up. After long negotiations and arguments over pricing (they were going to charge us the actually rate of the suite, though they put us there), it was decided that I would sleep in the corner of the meeting room on a small cot (the room only had one bed). Quote from the staffer who helped us: ‘we gave you this upgrade in hopes that one room would work for you.’ (although we weren’t told of this at check in, but hours later). They gave us free food and wine, along with points towards our next stay, but these were minor things. Behind me on the cot in the large meeting room were two large doors, connecting to the room that was meant to be mine. The problem is, these doors were by no means a wall and at 1 in the morning I was awoken to the loud neighbors next door (a group of rowdy men, that frankly made me, a young women, nervous and uncomfortable). I could not go to sleep despite countless attempts to drown out the noise. This is not my first bad experience with a Le Méridien, and I have a feeling it will not be my last. I understand that mistakes happen and while I do recognize that the hotel was at fault and was asking of me to be understanding, a system error in such a high rated establishment should not happen, nor should it cause the amount of discomfort and complications that it ultimately created.

  • Carl Thoemmes

    Carl Thoemmes


    Great hotel in a good location. They lobby bar is quaint and cozy, wonderful place to have a nightcap. The rooms were modern and clean, everything you would expect from the LM brand. Walking distance to a cool little mom and pop place that makes mini pancakes! Mini pancakes, can you believe it!? Hotel is a nice walk from the central train station but you can cut through the park, so it is pleasant.

  • es

    Marcelino Freixas


    La HISTORIA del ..... Le MÉRIDIEN Stuttgart Hotel . La AMISTAD y el buen SABOR siempre perdura en el TIEMPO Gràcies marcel

  • es

    dario f


    Hotel de lujo en pleno centro de Stuttgart, excelente atención, limpieza y orden. Muy buen desayuno. Servicio multilingual.

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