Kristin Scholz Hair And Make Up i Berlin

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TysklandKristin Scholz Hair And Make Up



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6, Saarbrücker Straße, 10405, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 54833443
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Latitude: 52.530219, Longitude: 13.4152965

kommentar 5

  • Alexandrina Hadzhiyska

    Alexandrina Hadzhiyska


    Finding a good hairdresser and a nice studio is a difficult task, but I've been lucky enough to get it right at the first try at Kristin Scholz. Anna is a master whose professionalism is complemented by a great personality. I've recommended the studio to friends of mine who are willing to travel all the way from London to get their colour done by Anna. That's how awesome she is.

  • Ashley Gan

    Ashley Gan


    Really loved my hairstylist, Yuniya. I was going from waist long hair to shoulder length and wasn't really sure what I wanted. She asked a lot of questions before we started so that she had a good idea of what I wanted and would be able to give me a haircut that fit into my lifestyle. The haircut itself is wonderful, and I liked that she was very careful and thorough with "touching up" the haircut after the blow-dry. Definitely recommend!

  • Veronika



    Awesome neighbourhood place ! Really sweet and great staff ! Thank you :)

  • Natalie Farina

    Natalie Farina


    Awesome place, if you wish to get a best haircut or something other you should come here!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Megan Kunzweiler

    Megan Kunzweiler


    I happened upon Kristin's salon while walking around the neighborhood and was immediately interested when I saw they are a davines salon - the best products hair has ever experienced! I made an appointment with Kristin based other positive reviews and I am so glad I did. Not only did Kristin take her time in consulting me on what was a rather big change for me, she took her time in cutting and styling, coached me on styling tips and tricks and most of all immediately made me feel comfortable. The space is beautiful, smells divine and based on the people I was fortunate enough to meet, I would highly recommend this salon. I'm already looking forward to my next appointment!

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