CANAL Artisanal Ice cream & pastry i Berlin

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TysklandCANAL Artisanal Ice cream & pastry



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40, Rosenthaler Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 97004121
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Latitude: 52.5240159, Longitude: 13.4023943

kommentar 5

  • Hale Sasmaz

    Hale Sasmaz


    Well, we went there on a Saturday afternoon. The eclairs were sold out. On Sunday we tried again and it worked after waiting 20 minutes in the line. No doubt the eclairs are instagrammable BUT are not super tasty. You eat a lot of cream and the dough is extremely thin. Too expensive for such a product (yes it is instagrammable). I strongly recommend you make your own decision and give it a go.

  • D. C.

    D. C.


    Absolutely delicious eclairs and a delight to look at. They were so beautiful I almost felt sad taking my first bite. I regret nothing, though, as the taste is so good you forget about the guilt caused by destroying the aesthetic. Please do yourself a favor and try the Earl Grey one. It’s an absolute experience and totally worth the €5.

  • Basak Zerman

    Basak Zerman


    I’ve never had something that tasty in my life before even if l am not the big fan of sugary stuff. Their salted caramel eclair is highly recommended! Eclair dough is super soft and the filling inside is so light and tasty.

  • Tomás Fonseca

    Tomás Fonseca


    The eclairs are outstanding and probably the best in Berlin. We had two and both were really good. Nevertheless, the high price (between 4€ and 5€ each unit) makes it a place you go once to try but hardly return

  • Gera Ld

    Gera Ld


    Very delicious and fresh ice cream with creative & traditional tastes. I had two ice balls: Vanilla and Mandarine Ginger Basil. Vanilla tasted very creamy and soft and the fruit one was very fresh, a bit of a warm spice on the tongue due to ginger. I really enjoyed it and would love to eat more. It was hard to decide by the way, because they had so many different tastes from traditional ones to very creative combinations I never heard of before. Worth a walk! :)

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