Spreegold Store ROS02 i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSpreegold Store ROS02


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2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 37587980
internet side: www.spreegold.com
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Latitude: 52.5229784, Longitude: 13.4091459

kommentar 5

  • Sandra B

    Sandra B


    Nice place for breakfast, food was tasting really good for all of us. Drink prices are too high. Overall food quality and service were good. Friendly staff.

  • Ariane Morassi Sasso

    Ariane Morassi Sasso


    Good place for eggs Benedict and Canadian pancakes (breakfast in general). They also always have a place! And they let you customize your coffee a lot ;).

  • Patrice Kerremans

    Patrice Kerremans


    Really nice food. The service is basic for the price range of the restaurant. You order using a clunky website (it looks nice but isn’t that user friendly) that you access by scanning a QR code at your table. We were there during wasp season (end of august) and had to share our food with the critters (a common problem in Berlin during august, but some establishments handle it better than others). Smokers stood in the doorway, making sure that everybody inside can enjoy along (when will we finally adopt Canadian smoking laws in Europe?). It’s really a shame as the food tasted really good and came presented in an aesthetically pleasant way, you’re really prepped to enjoy your breakfast :). We’ll go back during a different season and give this place a second chance...

  • Reed Johansson

    Reed Johansson


    We had the BBC Burger and the Fruit & Berry Pancakes. The food was good but the service was not so good. They were really busy and we only saw one table open but it hadn't been cleared yet. We decided to sit at the table, but after 5-10 minutes no one had cleared the table or greeted us. Eventually we cleared the table ourselves and flagged someone down to order. The food came fairly quickly and was good.

  • Team Fit365 - Coached by Danny Alvarado

    Team Fit365 - Coached by Danny Alvarado


    Food Its always amazing. Everything its perfectly presented. The cinnamon rolls are out of this world, make sure you warm them up a little bit!

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