Zentrum für Neurologie und neurologische Rehabilitation am Klinikum am Europakanal i Erlangen

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TysklandZentrum für Neurologie und neurologische Rehabilitation am Klinikum am Europakanal


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71, Am Europakanal, 91056, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 7530
internet side: www.bezirkskliniken-mfr.de
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Latitude: 49.6044563, Longitude: 10.9695644

kommentar 5

  • Pat Ricia

    Pat Ricia


    I do not recommend this clinic !!!!!! The doctors and nurses are not competent for a patient who has a 3-degree stroke. Are also very rude. My father was brought to this rehabilitation clinic in good condition from Stok Uni. Since he has been there, his entire condition has deteriorated. We were even offered to discontinue further medication and life support measures. So that he can walk in peace. And to mention, my father is spiritually full. He understands and knows everything. The only thing that still doesn't work is talking. Physical functions are also available again. My father has quite a few previous illnesses, but what was suggested to us borders on euthanasia for me. I've never heard a doctor say anything like that. This clinic is totally unqualified for such severe cases.

  • Daniela Bernsteiner

    Daniela Bernsteiner


    Great carers who take care of day and night. I feel very well cared for, treated and taken seriously. The doctors are very professional and take a lot of time to diagnose. It takes place in conversation with me as a patient! I am thrilled with this hospital! THANK YOU

  • Marlon Topper

    Marlon Topper


    5-point fixation is not my case ..

  • Susanne Mildner

    Susanne Mildner


    My dad had a stroke and has been in Erlangen for a week. We wanted this rehab because a friend had a very good experience there. Now we are just horrified. My dad is left-handed Unfortunately, the left arm is completely paralyzed. When he asked if he could be smeared with bread, he answered, "We are not a hospital but a rehab." You put him a still relatively green banana that he can not open. He now pinches the butter and jam jar between his lips and tries to open it with his right, which of course does not work without mess. I am absolutely speechless. Was in February in the head clinic and was soo super supervised. I know that caregivers are understaffed and completely underpaid, but the patients can not help it. What good is the great therapy when the patients almost starve to death, because they can not cope alone ....

  • Martin “Martin” K.

    Martin “Martin” K.


    Nursing staff and doctors are really good at the Neurological ward. The care is absolutely fine. In general, the whole building was already getting old. There is no such thing as a WLAN. A modernization would be appropriate. Nevertheless, when it comes to health, recommended.

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