Zahnzentrum Dr. Parusel MVZ GmbH i Salzgitter

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandZahnzentrum Dr. Parusel MVZ GmbH



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1, Reppnersche Straße, 38226, Salzgitter, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5341 4098934
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Latitude: 52.1668, Longitude: 10.33031

kommentar 5

  • Danuta Wenk

    Danuta Wenk


    With Dr. I have felt like I was in very good hands with Philipp Parusel for years. The advice is very detailed and understandable, the treatment is professional and individual and the practice team is very helpful and friendly. Whether it's professional teeth cleaning or a check-up, I'll be happy to come back. Highly recommended for young and old. :) Thanks!

  • Ilka Dehning

    Ilka Dehning


    A great doctor, especially for anxious patients. My son (29 years old) really panics about the dentist. But here he finally managed to get his teeth done. The whole team is great. Here you take the time that the patient needs. And with friendly attention. Treatment, follow-up treatment and advice are also very good and very comprehensive, clear, understandable and competent. The operation was great. My son and I would love to come back.

  • Katrin N.

    Katrin N.


    I have recently been treated by Ms. Pfeiffer and am absolutely thrilled. I was always a fearful patient, but this dentist is simply wonderfully confident, competent and empathetic. The entire team ensures that you feel in good hands. Thanks for that - I'm happy to come back regularly now ;-)

  • Konstantin Leontarakis

    Konstantin Leontarakis


    Today I went to see Mr. Parusel for the first time with my son (two years old). Overall, visiting him was an extremely positive experience. Mr. Parusel took a lot of time with my child to ensure that he felt comfortable and well looked after. I can only warmly recommend this dentist and am glad that we found such a competent and child-friendly practice.

  • Mahdi Pandragon

    Mahdi Pandragon


    Best dentist office arround, very professional and friendly and a couple of doctors and nurses speak english.

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