Zahnmedizinisches Versorgungszentrum Keep-Smiling i Eschweiler

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TysklandZahnmedizinisches Versorgungszentrum Keep-Smiling



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28-32, Röthgener Straße, 52249, Eschweiler, Köln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2403 36666
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.8146678, Longitude: 6.2578503

kommentar 5

  • S-D's Empfehlungen

    S-D's Empfehlungen


    I have been a patient here for 8 years now and feel obliged to leave a review. During these 8 years we have always been treated with kindness, care and like a guest of honor. I always enjoyed coming to them and always came out with a smile, although it must be added that the smile had developed into a handsome one 8 years ago. They have really helped me to smile more beautifully and now I smile even more and more comfortably than before and I have them to thank for that! Of course, not only is the sympathy impeccable, the professional expertise is particularly outstanding! I am a very curious person by nature and during the treatments I always asked what they were doing, how and for what and I always got answers and they explained everything in a very child-friendly way, which I really liked! I always felt comfortable and Ms. Oeben in particular does a great job! I have no complaints as I am absolutely satisfied with the practice and my results and would recommend it to anyone.

  • Sabine Thuelen

    Sabine Thuelen


    We are very happy with the end result. Everyone on the team was always friendly! I can recommend the practice.

  • Manuel Mendez

    Manuel Mendez


    Our son has now successfully completed his treatments. He and we are very satisfied and we felt we were in good hands, especially throughout the entire treatment period from the first consultation, through the ongoing support to the finished result. The entire practice team was always very friendly and responded to the needs of our son and us parents. In addition to what we believe to be good medical care, we also have to praise the good organization of the practice, which contributes a lot to the positive overall impression. Thanks again.

  • Dan K.

    Dan K.


    Very competent and can be recommended with a clear conscience Our daughter was always warmly welcomed and the treatment was completed successfully. The result is impressive! Doctors and staff are always friendly and very accommodating. We will also have our second daughter treated there, that's for sure. We (the parents) were patients there ourselves as children and would without a doubt recommend this practice to anyone. We thank you for the great work and wish the whole team all the best!

  • mint tears

    mint tears


    Top Service!

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