Zahnärztin beim DRK - Saskia Lange i Weimar

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TysklandZahnärztin beim DRK - Saskia Lange



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10, Rollplatz, 99423, Weimar, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3643 8602610
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.9833892, Longitude: 11.3268109

kommentar 5

  • Steve Klinghammer

    Steve Klinghammer


    Was there for the first time today. I have to say that she was a great doctor and was very happy again

  • Ayla BLT

    Ayla BLT


    I met Dr. Rüffer during pregnancy. He is a very nice doctor with his understanding, calm and demeanor. I thank him and his helpers.🙋🏻‍♀️🌺👍❤️ Welcome, Dr. Long. We're moving on with our new doctor and yes, our new doctor is great too.

  • Maria Böttcher

    Maria Böttcher


    Arrived immediately for the appointment - within half an hour I received professional care and advice. Despite the many construction sites, no accusations, I felt taken seriously and respected. Every treatment step was explained to me; there was no pressure in any particular direction. The best dental experience of my life! Thank you very much

  • Kathaka



    I have a lot of problems (consequential damage from my younger years...), a lot of less than good memories of the dentist from the past and therefore I really don't enjoy going to the dentist in general. But if it has to be - with Dr. I have always felt that Rüffer and his two colleagues were in very good hands for many years now. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, the practice is very well organized. You never have to wait long - a big plus for anxious patients. The advice is calm, competent and comprehensive, and there is always something to chat about. The condition of my teeth has stabilized over the last few years thanks to good care. And above all - tooth preservation is always the priority in all repair work. I think it's great. Maybe I'll like to go to the dentist someday? :-)) Thank you very much!

  • M. H.

    M. H.


    I had a big problem just before the weekend and I was helped very quickly. I can recommend every Dr. Recommend Rüffer to anyone who is afraid of the dentist or who wants to be treated to the best of their knowledge and belief. He also remembers what problems you had and addresses them. The sisters are very nice and friendly, they like to joke and even open a door for you. 😉 Always my pleasure.

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