Wiener Feinbäcker i Leipzig

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandWiener Feinbäcker



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7, Willy-Brandt-Platz, 04109, Leipzig, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 341 1494299
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Latitude: 51.3448428, Longitude: 12.3812417

kommentar 5

  • Philip Lange

    Philip Lange


    I bought a sandwich with tomato and egg here. It tasted delicious, was fresh and the service was also friendly. However, the price of €4.60 is a bit much for such a small roll...

  • maheshi udayangani

    maheshi udayangani


    never go there. Highly disappointed. I had a sandwich from them which is €4.90 and good looking outside. But I only realized that there is nothing inside of it just after having a one bite.

  • Chaturanga Bandara

    Chaturanga Bandara


    Fake sandwich place at Hbf Leipzig! Avoid! One slice of tomato, one slice of cucumber, one piece of cheese folded to two and assembled in the front to show its full. But in reality, thats all you get for €4.30! There are other sandwichbars who sell sandwiches for €3.80 and has lot more! Avoid this place!

  • Tony Duffy

    Tony Duffy


    Great selection of takeaway treats!

  • Julia Lakomkina

    Julia Lakomkina


    Tasty and cheap bread and backery. Good place for waiting train (few tables with sockets, not crowded, very clean furniture, friendly personal).

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