VR Bank Bayreuth-Hof eG main Bayreuth i Bayreuth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandVR Bank Bayreuth-Hof eG main Bayreuth



🕗 åbningstider

31, Hohenzollernring, 95444, Bayreuth, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 921 8820
internet side: www.vrbank-bayreuth-hof.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.9469599, Longitude: 11.5770151

kommentar 5

  • Cennet-Büsra Karginoglu

    Cennet-Büsra Karginoglu


    Totally incompetent! Waiting for more than 1 hour just to change the club board!

  • Marcel Schuster

    Marcel Schuster


    Always friendly advice

  • Danut Meghesan

    Danut Meghesan


    Perfect bank!

  • Stefan Wegmann

    Stefan Wegmann


    "We clear the way." Together with the specialists of the cooperative financial network Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken, friendly employees impress with their competence and reliability - even in times of crisis! By implementing the ideal of truth and clarity, the highest level of trust is created in the customers. With this strong partner you will find the best conditions of all local banks! 👍

  • Natalie Garbotz: Fotografin (Starke Mamas)

    Natalie Garbotz: Fotografin (Starke Mamas)


    I travel a lot in the field. Whenever I had a problem, I was helped by phone wonderful. There has not been a situation in which I was left standing in the rain. Nevertheless, I find it a pity that many smaller branches are closed - some of them are important for the rural infrastructure despite everything.

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