Volksbank Herford-Mindener Land eG, Hauptgeschäftsstelle Eidinghausen i Bad Oeynhausen

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TysklandVolksbank Herford-Mindener Land eG, Hauptgeschäftsstelle Eidinghausen


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Eidinghausener Straße 49 Hauptgeschäftsstelle, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5221 28010
internet side: www.meinevolksbank.de
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Latitude: 52.2139984, Longitude: 8.8023013

kommentar 5

  • Alex Müller

    Alex Müller


    Hello. Can you do a 1-day internship here? I'm in the 8th grade and I'm still looking for a job for February 16, 2023

  • Kai Sundermeier

    Kai Sundermeier


    Staff: Rude, unprofessional and condescending. Appointments and agreements are not kept and false statements are made. Serious is different! I wouldn't lend my currency to the bank because the risk would be too great that they wouldn't be able to keep their promise (repayment).

  • Frank Kessler

    Frank Kessler


    Here I'm only talking about the branch in Werste! Absolutely uncooperative, unfriendly and unprofessional. You're not even told a reasonable time of day. Remittance forms are left open and freely accessible on the “customer tables”.

  • Teuto



    Absolutely unreliable! Information is only given upon written request, no one feels responsible and no one can see anything. Volksbank? Never again! Complaint or not, after a week no one has contacted me, despite the “forwarding”. The main thing here at Google is to make you worry and act as if you have a reasonable complaint management system.

  • Jürgen



    It's not possible, as long as you always pay your fees without doing the math, everything is fine, but if you find an error, no one responds, neither to emails nor to written objections. Appointments are not kept or suddenly no longer apply, you have to do everything in writing. Customers who don't want to do what the bank wants are handled very arrogantly by the branch manager. NEVER AGAIN VOLKSBANK!

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