Victoria Hotel Minden i Minden

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandVictoria Hotel Minden



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11, Markt, 32423, Minden, Detmold, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 571 973100
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2878774, Longitude: 8.9171262

kommentar 5

  • C B

    C B


    You cannot be more central! Big comfortable rooms. Unlike some other reviews We found the staff very helpful. Reasonably priced.

  • John Rickards

    John Rickards


    Spacious room, double deluxe. Location couldn't be more central but the loud disco music until 03.15 in the morning was unexpected! Customer service; nothing was too much trouble. In fact, nothing seemed like far too much trouble. I would not use this hotel again.

  • Jeanette Henssen

    Jeanette Henssen


    Great spacious family bedroom, the kids are in a seperate side room. The hotel is clean and bright, beautifully decorated, feels very luxurious but breakfast was amazing!!!! Beautiful room to eat and great selection, everything fresh. Will definitely be coming back!!!

  • AJ W

    AJ W


    I was only here for a company gathering in the banquet room which was gorgeous! The waiters and waitresses were all on point and removed dirty plates in a timely polite manner and asked or refilled drinks promptly! 😊😁 cold plates offered in buffet style as well as hot plates offered as well.

  • Christopher Flux

    Christopher Flux


    A good hotel with a nice central location. My room wasn't ready as I arrived early but the staff were very accomodating and there is a nice bar to wait in. The rooms are spacious and the bath room I had was huge with a good shower. Can be a bit noisy if you shave a window near the street as you can hear the cobbles during morning deliverys. WiFi is free in most of Minden and the hotel is covered too

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