UCI Cinema i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandUCI Cinema


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123, Schönhauser Allee, 10437, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 44019200
internet side: www.uci-kinowelt.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5479788, Longitude: 13.4130221

kommentar 5

  • Jamie Holyland

    Jamie Holyland


    Any old kino will do as long as they have films, I'm happy as Larry the lamb

  • Heran Bago

    Heran Bago


    Rude unhelpful staff, bad customer service, English-language viewings listed on websites not actually available, ugly lobby.

  • Hiba Sarrouj

    Hiba Sarrouj


    Great venue! I was there for Berlinale. The crew was very cooperative and helpful. Meeting the movie director was awesome.

  • Johanna Schwarzbeck

    Johanna Schwarzbeck


    Love the 40 - 50 style architecture, huge screen totally comfortable seats. I definitely go back my first time in this movie Theater I’m new to Berlin its a keeper.

  • Freed Schütz

    Freed Schütz


    Great cinema for anyone. They offer tasty popcorn, nachos, sweets and drinks and many more. Even beer! The people are nice and it doesn't matter if it's just you or your whole family, you'll have a great time there. Online ticket and seat reservation is super easy and only costs 1€ extra. You'll get an rq code and everything works fine.

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