TRYP Münster Kongresshotel i Münster

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTRYP Münster Kongresshotel



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28, Albersloher Weg, 48155, Münster, Münster, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 180 2 121723
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.94927, Longitude: 7.637981

kommentar 5

  • RT B

    RT B


    Rooms are not thought through e.g. no plugs by the beds, no main light in the room only in the hallway, Shampoo and body lotion was in these mounted flasks which were empty and never refilled in the 4 nights there. Breakfast was basics. Probably only remaining there due to its location beside the messes.

  • en

    Nicolas Lluch


    Stay away. Hotel didn't honor reservation, and didn't bother to fix it or even try. Stay away. Very rude and in supportive staff. Uneducated.

  • Joska Roelse

    Joska Roelse


    Good hotel but the restaurant isn't open at night

  • en

    Sascha Michaelis


    Good Service, Nice conference rooms

  • Maria Papli Cook

    Maria Papli Cook


    It's an alright business hotel - bed factory. Not as bad as I thought it will be so I was happy. Location is good at the channel harbour.

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