Titanic Comfort Mitte Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTitanic Comfort Mitte Berlin



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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4, Elisabeth-Mara-Straße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 76771870
internet side: www.titanic.com.tr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5102496, Longitude: 13.4041892

kommentar 5

  • ana belen gaona bizzotto

    ana belen gaona bizzotto


    The hotel it is well located, it was clean and a nice environment. The room was incredible small. I thought our room would be bigger, now I believe that due to the low demand for covid we would be able to get a better deal in a similar class hotel. Another detail to notice was that the feather cover was so tiny that barely covers the bed and it is not very comfortable to sleep sharing the bed.

  • diana marceta

    diana marceta


    Nice hotel in a great location. The staff is very friendly. The rooms are smaller, but all nicely decorated and clean. The bed is quite comfortable.

  • Bahar Khonsari

    Bahar Khonsari


    rooms are clean but too small.

  • Mónica M.

    Mónica M.


    We cancelled our stay since we didn’t feel quite confident yet to travel because of the pandemic and although our reservation didn’t allow any changes, the back office mgr at Titanic Mitte really helped us with the booking partner and we got a full refund. It’s nice to see this good customer service and flexibility. We definitely look forward to staying at Titanic Mitte in the near future!

  • Mert Oktay

    Mert Oktay


    Great location, helpful and kind staff, clean and comfortable rooms, delicious breakfast. Everything was perfect. Strongly recommended.

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