Tilsiter Lichtspiele i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTilsiter Lichtspiele



🕗 åbningstider

25A, Richard-Sorge-Straße, 10249, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 4268129
internet side: tilsiter-lichtspiele.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.520713, Longitude: 13.447298

kommentar 5

  • Andreas Vogelhaupt

    Andreas Vogelhaupt


    Good beer, sympathetic atmosphere, interesting choice of movies - and a smoker's lounge, for those who care.

  • Chris Jarv

    Chris Jarv


    We have gone to the Tilsiter for many years. It is one of the oldest cinemas in Berlin and has a wonderful bar at the front. They produce their own bier. My husband loves the dunkel bier. It is a charming location with a relaxed vibe. Service is always pretty good. Winter can be difficult with the smoking inside, but in summer they open the windows, and there is seating outside. We love the Tilsiter, so we choose to brave the smokey winter atmosphere.

  • Tamás Sztanka-Tóth

    Tamás Sztanka-Tóth


    Good selection of movies, and nice atmosphere in the bar.

  • en

    Pip Rib


    Good alternative to the major cinemas. OmU

  • Roberto Arias Alegria

    Roberto Arias Alegria


    Nice arthouse, there's only a (literally) killing problem: a smoking bar at the front, so I won't go back ever! Pity, othewise a nice place to see indy movies.

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