TeamEscape Düsseldorf i Düsseldorf

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTeamEscape Düsseldorf



🕗 åbningstider

31, Alexanderstraße, 40210, Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 211 93673340
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.22004, Longitude: 6.7838042

kommentar 5

  • Richard Foster

    Richard Foster


    Staff are friendly and welcoming. Puzzles are good and hints are provided when required. All information is available in both German and English making it great for groups on holiday. It has a very clean, tidy and professional atmosphere. Recommended for an hour's distraction.

  • Pieter Jansen

    Pieter Jansen


    This was amazing. A very cool and well thought out escape room. Definite recommendation!

  • Jacob Brødslev

    Jacob Brødslev


    Alot of fun for groups of 2 or more people. Preferably more, since it can get quite complicated, with riddles and math calculations. My experience was great and I highly recommend this place. The only downside is that there can be up to an hour of waiting.

  • Rick Muras

    Rick Muras


    Great Escape rooms. Nice people working there, a drink is even included in the price. Rooms possible in German and English.

  • en

    Bryony Short


    Just finished Dr Hoffmans lab escape room with 4 friends - absolutely loved the experience, none of us had done this before and found it just the right level of challenging! Excellent clues, really well thought out and so so much fun with a group of friends! Thoroughly recommend if you ever visit Düsseldorf

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