Strahlenklinik des Uni-Klinikums Erlangen i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandStrahlenklinik des Uni-Klinikums Erlangen



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27, Universitätsstraße, 91054, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 8533405
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Latitude: 49.5983639, Longitude: 11.015216

kommentar 5

  • Moy Lebowski

    Moy Lebowski


    I had radiation, chemotherapy and hyperthermia caused by cancer. I always felt well treated and enlightened. If you sometimes do not understand something correctly, you can always make an appointment with the doctor treating you and get a more detailed explanation. In the end, these people saved my life, and I'm very grateful for that!

  • Britta Schneider

    Britta Schneider


    Inpatient stay: absolute chaos, catastrophic communication, physicians lacking empathy. The patient was devalued by the doctor in his presence "just take a look at his condition".

  • M H

    M H


    Unfortunately, we had to have negative experiences with the clinic. We currently have to make decisions about the life of a family member, which is already difficult enough for us. However, we were neither advised nor informed in this regard. In our opinion, this is absolutely unreasonable and nothing to excuse.

  • Oliver Dümler

    Oliver Dümler


    We had an appointment for an interview about radiation. Unfortunately, we were not advised during the phone call that only 1 person may appear for the interview. There was also no information on this on the clinic's website. That's why we came in pairs, as four ears hear more than two and were both let through at two different locks. Nowhere was there a sign or the like from which it could be seen that two people were not allowed to enter. At the registration we were met by an elderly lady for the first time annoyed that we oppose the corona rules would. That wasn't our intention! Apparently that caused such a stir and rejection in-house towards us that even the doctor in charge, who was supposed to conduct the informative discussion with us, was informed by the ladies of the registration and no longer wanted to speak to us. He then allegedly had to go to an emergency, whereby he did not leave his office while we were in the waiting room. An assistant doctor then took over his task, scanned the documents and unfortunately could not provide any detailed and professional information. A doctor and his staff should put the well-being of the Patients lie, other criteria or even personal conflicts should be secondary or not play a role at all. This doctor and his staff have absolutely failed to do this today. I find it both sad and shameful at the same time how lightly one plays with a human life here. Kind regards BD

  • Jörg Meyer

    Jörg Meyer


    I was just irradiated for the last time. Almost no waiting time, nice staff, everything to the best patient satisfaction. Many Thanks

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