Steyler Ethik Bank i Sankt Augustin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSteyler Ethik Bank



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22, Arnold-Janssen-Straße, 53757, Sankt Augustin, Köln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2241 12050
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.7740982, Longitude: 7.1813704

kommentar 5

  • Christoph Schmitt

    Christoph Schmitt


    Competent and credible employees. The bank is different from the other banks. The focus here is not on profit, but on the customer. And it serves the special purpose of the Steyler missionaries. Top!

  • Matthäus



    I would have loved to set up an online account for 7 euros, of which 1 euro donation goes to mission work every month. The first time everything had to be reset because the process simply stopped in the middle. An email was responded to very quickly. Then I finished everything again and verified it online, which worked really well and friendly with the ID provider (in contrast to Post ID). Unfortunately, there was no response from the bank for over a week. It wasn't until I asked via email that I was told that it wasn't possible to complete a deal online at the moment and that I should try again in two weeks. In the end it was said that because the verification didn't work and was too expensive for the small bank, they could no longer offer it. So I had to travel to the bank to open an account, which I did and absolutely loved it. I received a very friendly welcome and was treated like a family, which I really appreciate. I wasn't tried to do anything special like at other banks and everything worked smoothly and was explained well. I have zero regrets about the opening and the trip. In front of the bench you can already see the ethics and the concept because there are birdhouses and wildflowers planted everywhere for creation. Things are actually already being done ethically on site. Perfect! This is how a bank should be If you are there, it is also worth visiting the monastery of the Steyler Missionaries. A coincidence or coincidence?! I am now studying theology at the relocated university from St Augustin to Cologne. The ethical concepts of the missionaries continue to flow there. So the journey to the perfect bank became much more for me 🙏🏻

  • Sterko Bilin

    Sterko Bilin


    Here, old, religious people with investments are left out like Christmas geese. Always have Steyler's investment recommendations checked by an independent financial advisor or consumer advice center before you fall for it.

  • Mia Kreativ

    Mia Kreativ


    Super nice staff and top advice. I'm always very satisfied. The only thing missing is the deposit machine so that you are not tied to the opening times when making cash deposits. But otherwise: thumbs up 👍 LG Miriam C

  • FinanzagenturLaas



    Important bank for the regional supply of cash. Very friendly and personal staff, just like before...

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