Stellplatz Wohnmobile i Zerbst/Anhalt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandStellplatz Wohnmobile



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3, Wolfsbrücke, 39261, Zerbst/Anhalt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.9662297, Longitude: 12.0899016

kommentar 5

  • Lutz Bode

    Lutz Bode


    Well laid out place with electricity and V + E. The surrounding area, well, all around blocks, on the other side the youth meet, but can hardly be heard. The city itself is nicely renovated and clean. But you can't look into the surrounding forests, I have never seen such a littered forest.

  • Susanne Balz

    Susanne Balz


    Okay for one night, but only if I can't drive anymore. The place is right next to a school and swimming pool. Free of charge, yes, supply and disposal available, but only for those who stand in front of it. If someone just wants to supply and dispose of, but the space is occupied, you have to have a fairly long water hose ready, otherwise it won't work. But Zerbst doesn't really invite you to linger.

  • Heinrich K

    Heinrich K


    Too loud Electricity for two hours € 1

  • FRED Zunk

    FRED Zunk


    The place is at a swimming pool and costs nothing. Disposal free of charge on site, supply 1 euro per 60 liters of water and 1 euro per 8 hours of electricity. Unfortunately only 3 places very close to the center.

  • Carmen Benelli

    Carmen Benelli


    Comfortable quiet two steps from the center.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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