Steigenberger Hotel de Saxe i Dresden

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TysklandSteigenberger Hotel de Saxe


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9, Neumarkt, 01067, Dresden, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 351 43860
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Latitude: 51.0507164, Longitude: 13.7411653

kommentar 5

  • ah kim Chan

    ah kim Chan


    We have the reservation for the breakfast. Their breakfast was good, and they had so many varieties. Juice Bar has so many options. They also have buttermilk, which is my favourite. Something needs to be highlighted. They do offer a cup noodles! Wow, this is how great creati idea! I saw it after I have a big omelette, so maybe I will oder it next time. The waitress/ waiter here is super friendly, especially D. Ebert. has good service, and always comes to clear the plate we finished.

  • Martina M

    Martina M


    This was by far the best hotel that we stayed at on our vacation. The hotel is in the perfect location close to all of the best sightseeing. The staff is professional, helpful, and friendly. They are very focused on service. The hotel itself is incredibly clean, updated, and beautiful. The beds are comfortable. The breakfast is amazing. We loved our stay there. The only thing that could have made it better was washcloths in the bathroom. Serious, that is it. The place is pretty much perfect. Sadly for us, they set the bar so high for a 4 star hotel, that the other four star hotels we stayed at on our vacation looked like 2’s. Book this hotel, you won’t regret it.

  • Brandon Wright

    Brandon Wright


    I can't recommend this hotel enough but I specifically want to bring attention to Albert, who worked the front desk/served as a concierge. My wife and I were looking to go on a hike and he went above and beyond with providing suggestions, details of the best spots to see, etc. He couldn't have been more helpful, professional, and accommodating and he definitely enhanced our experience not only at this wonderful hotel, but in Dresden in general. The hotel is in a perfect location and we really enjoyed our stay here. And again, a big thank you to Albert for going above and beyond!

  • Aaron



    This hotel is a walkable distance from the famous Frauenkirche & located right in the center of Dresden. The room is spacious & it has all the basic amenities. Bathroom has good lighting. Nothing to complain about except the price which is quite high during our stay (perhaps it was summer and everyone was out on holiday). The check-in process was smooth & the receptionist could converse in good English. They even helped to direct us to get a bus to Prague.

  • Angela Intermite

    Angela Intermite


    This central hotel in Dresden offer a beautiful view from the breakfast room on the Frauenkirche. The rooms are too dark for my taste but equipped with all that is needed. Breakfast is ok. The strong point is the location.

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