Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Potsdam i Potsdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandStadt- und Landesbibliothek Potsdam



🕗 åbningstider

47, Am Kanal, 14467, Potsdam, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 331 2896600
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3972665, Longitude: 13.0594947

kommentar 5

  • Natalie Rottmann

    Natalie Rottmann


    Good library, if the books are available that you want to borrow. Unfortunately, the reservation of media is also chargeable, so you have to wait a long time until you can finally get to the desired medium.

  • Harry D

    Harry D


    Super modern facility. We often get books for our kid here.

  • Peijue Huangfu

    Peijue Huangfu


    I was visiting Potsdam and needed to use wifi to do some work. Thought the library itself is the best place to go. I was told I can get the day-membership with 2.5 euros and have unlimited wifi, but they need my passport for it. Obviously I left it at the hotel, but had my UK driving licence with me. They kept saying it does not show my address on the driving licence, it was right on there clearly!!! Basically common sense!!!!! My first experience of the inflexibility of Germans...... Very frustrating, especially when you really need to work urgently. I wonder how important to see someone's passport when they only need to use the wifi for a few hours for business reason. DO BRING YOUR PASSPORT FOR THIS LIBRARY... Frustrating experience, had no patience for this, so thanked them and walked off......

  • CJTim CoLP

    CJTim CoLP


    Modern structure, great to concentrate 👍🏼

  • Corinna Zennig

    Corinna Zennig


    I went here as a kid frequently. Just visited for the first time after the remodeling. It's so different, so much better! Great interior design, very bright and friendly thanks to the glass windows everywhere. It even comes with a lot of music now and Japanese manga/anime rental. Big conference room for workshops available.

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