St. Hedwig's Cathedral i Berlin

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TysklandSt. Hedwig's Cathedral


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Bebelplatz, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 2034810
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Latitude: 52.5157702, Longitude: 13.3948097

kommentar 5

  • Michael



    Catholic church in Berlin

  • Andrew Muttiah

    Andrew Muttiah


    This Cathedral is amazing and beautiful. It is right next to the Humboldt Library and has an amazing view. When you visit this location, sit on the steps of the Cathedral during the sunset and watch towards the Library.

  • Viktor Olivér Lőrincz

    Viktor Olivér Lőrincz



  • Rachel Yapp

    Rachel Yapp


    Very cool building with an interesting history.

  • Antoine M

    Antoine M


    A Neoclassical Roman Catholic cathedral on the Babelplatz in Berlin. Completed 1773 with the dome added 1887 and the interior completed 1832. It was reconstructed 1963 after it was heavily damaged by Allied bombing in 1943. It has the most impressive interior I've ever seen with exquisite ambience that welcomes everyone from all backgrounds. It's wheelchair friendly. There's a parking lot here or public parking nearby. Great for children to visit. A must visit during the evening as it lights up discreetly to enhance the atmosphere. The dark magenta red ambience is what intrigued me the most! It is in the same block as Berlin State Opera.

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