Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw - office i Pforzheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSparkasse Pforzheim Calw - office



🕗 åbningstider

107, Hauptstraße, 75181, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7231 991721200
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.9115341, Longitude: 8.7467012

kommentar 5

  • Diana Karaduman

    Diana Karaduman


    I have always been very satisfied!

  • its FishiFish

    its FishiFish


    Opened an account and had the worst advice I have ever had. The counselor was very toxic. The ladies at the counter are very rude.

  • Martina Gehrlein

    Martina Gehrlein


    I have been a customer of the Sparkasse Pforzheim, office Eutingen for five decades and very satisfied. For all problems I have been helped unbureaucratically so far. The staff are very nice and helpful. I just think it's a shame that the branch is closed on Wednesday afternoon.

  • flosee kana

    flosee kana


    These rolls did not grant me any credit because I wanted to open kebab shop sikerim amk every time

  • Roman Ebert

    Roman Ebert


    If the branches are closed at noon on Wednesday, you automatically end up in Pforzheim with the information desk lady. Very rude, harsh and arrogant way of answering questions. URGENT training needs!

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