Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr - Beratungs-Center i Lüdenscheid

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSparkasse an Volme und Ruhr - Beratungs-Center



🕗 åbningstider

7-11, Sauerfelder Straße, 58511, Lüdenscheid, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2331 2060
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.2147323, Longitude: 7.6298666

kommentar 5

  • Philipp Loer

    Philipp Loer


    The way of communication and the absurdly high new fees that the Sparkasse wants to impose are an absolute disgrace!

  • Klaus Jäger

    Klaus Jäger


    Nice and friendly staff. Always quick appointments and good advice. With Ms. Preuss we are in the best hands.

  • Jule Ha

    Jule Ha


    Unfriendly since the Sparkasse merged, there has only been incompetent staff, you are stuck on hold for hours and are still insulted. The savings bank should think about who they make their living from and whether that's customer service what they do there.

  • MaliSa



    It's time to change banks!!! When I called before the merger, I had a service representative on the phone within a minute. Now 35 minutes (!!!) on hold and still no one reached!! There will also be an internal change and you will receive a new Iban. Why don't you get a free new card when you ask?! If someone wants to know the Iban, you can no longer look at the back of the card. Super bad service!! Customer since 1990 - will change soon - a real shame!

  • Cansu Percin

    Cansu Percin


    So I'm thrilled. Ms. Falkner really took her time with me and solved my problems very quickly and competently. It's nice to receive service like that. Thank you very much again. I would recommend everyone to use her as a consultant. Competent and nice and very conscientious.

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