Sonnenhof Hotel & Restaurant GmbH & CO KG i Dietzenbach

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSonnenhof Hotel & Restaurant GmbH & CO KG



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7, Otto-Hahn-Straße, 63128, Dietzenbach, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6074 4890
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0157478, Longitude: 8.7930751

kommentar 5

  • Patrick Macfarlane

    Patrick Macfarlane


    I was put in the hotel by Lufthansa due to missed connection to Cape Town. The check in after midnight was handled very smoothly despite the large numbers of passengers being accommodated. The room provided was comfortable and clean. The breakfast provided was very good with a large variety of food offered. Despite having a 24 hour wait for the next flight to Cape Town, I was put under no pressure to leave before I needed to get to airport for my flight. Throughout the staff were courteous and friendly.

  • Robi H

    Robi H


    Stayed one night only - because of Missed Connection at FRA. (Courtesy Lufthansa). Very friendly place, wonderful service; Tasty meal and breakfast; Exceptional cleanliness and atmosphere. Were it not a missed connection, I would certainly stay longer.

  • Gwen Charney

    Gwen Charney


    My husband and I stayed 2 nights in this lovely family run hotel, the food was excellent and the rooms were clean. The staff were very helpful. The area is so pretty.

  • Itay Bizinyan

    Itay Bizinyan


    AAA+ my father stayed there for two days after his flight was cancelled . the staff was more than helpful and super nice. food was superb and the room was very comfortable too.

  • Jim Prendergast

    Jim Prendergast


    The only positive from Lufthansa and United screwing up my flight was my stay here. Family run and it makes a difference. Staff are wonderful. Dinner was good. Breakfast and bar man are top notch. Have never seen such a selection of teas and butter at a Breakfast buffet. Rooms were Very clean and comfortable.

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