Shell i Ohrdruf

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Westfalenstraße, 99885, Ohrdruf, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3624 313681
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.8383711, Longitude: 10.7185334

kommentar 5

  • Jacek ArSa

    Jacek ArSa


    They do sell coffee. But the toilet is apparently only for Germans. I've seen a lot of different things, but being denied access to a toilet is really rare. Fortunately, 3 km away there is a gas station with a completely different quality of service.

  • Саша



    Small Shelovsky autokhov. 8 euros price, 6, two for 3, give as bonuses. There is no kitchen, I took a shower (2.5) and a sausage and bun. The shower is clean. You can swim without time. The parking lot is calm, with a little noise from container ships that have a company nearby and are turning around through the gas station. But this is not critical. Then you can end up in the wet. There are many places. Shops are nearby.

  • vedad kovačević

    vedad kovačević


    Good gas station, very pleasant and helpful worker (girl) with blond hair, has a toilet and shower, and you can park one 3 or 4 trucks behind the gas station

  • Jagodowaty



    Recommended: shower behind the building, 2.50 euros, hot water, clean toilet inside

  • Саша Болсун

    Саша Болсун


    Small, quiet, democratic autohop. 8 euros/6 for return (3+3) Just enough for a shower and a hot sausage. Toilet is free. The shower is relatively clean, good pressure of hot water. There is Wi-Fi, but it only works near the gas station. Grocery stores are within walking distance.

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