Shell i Herbolzheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Breisgauallee, 79336, Herbolzheim, Freiburg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7643 91100
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2269669, Longitude: 7.7546074

kommentar 5

  • Bram Lancsweert

    Bram Lancsweert


    Too bad non German guests can’t tank cng anymore

  • Daniel M.

    Daniel M.


    You can't use the toilet unless you have cash. Also, the machine doesn't give change back and keeps the additional amount you entered. The ladies at the shop are really nice though, there are plenty of products to choose from, and the interior is nicely furnished.

  • Jakub Gietka

    Jakub Gietka


    Definitely cheaper than on other petrol stations,.a huge facility, accessible for people with disabilities, wealth, a place to rest a bit and get ready for the journey and continuation.

  • Lucifer Morningstar

    Lucifer Morningstar


    The guys from today are lying!!! They are being rood and very impolite. They have the excuse the key from the washing machine has it only there boss in order to open and sell more coins so the people can wash there laundry. I made my stop here and pay the weekend Autohof parking only because they have washing machine… This is the only shell in all Germany who is lying like this. The seller from the first office has always the key from everything . The young guy and the blond girl are being very rood and impolite . U CAN NOT PAY PARKING WITH SHELL CARD 😡😡😡

  • Silviana Gal

    Silviana Gal


    I went to feed here earlier. I ordered 2 simple, black coffees, as the lady at the gas station said. Initially, I wanted to make them myself at the coffee machine, but the lady told me to go to her because she makes them. I paid 6 euros for two coffees, nothing disturbing. A gentleman comes after me and he also orders the same coffee and was charged €1.8. The same coffee because later I asked the lady and she told me it was the same. I asked why a coffee was €1.8 for him and €3 for me. The answer is that the gentleman is a customer. I mention that he was not a driver. Maybe you can explain to me that the lady at the gas station didn't do it. I can conclude that he stole from me, right? Shame!!

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