Seminaris Hotel Bad Honnef i Bad Honnef

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TysklandSeminaris Hotel Bad Honnef



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20, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Straße, 53604, Bad Honnef, Köln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2224 7710
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Latitude: 50.6465024, Longitude: 7.2202715

kommentar 5

  • Marcin S

    Marcin S


    The worst place I have ever slept, stains at carpets, dirty with mold bathrooms but even worst was the attitude to work presented by reception workers. They were rude with huge mess in the reception system, tried to charge us twice for already prepayed booking. For sure I will never come back to this hotel.

  • Jakub Gliszczyński

    Jakub Gliszczyński


    The worst hotel I have ever been to. The receptionists are super rude even though we had a reservation for around 30 people for many thousands of euro. Few of our rooms were given to other guests while our luggage was still inside. Our room cards were switched off when we were at Anuga and when we returned they did not work anymore and the reception claimed that nobody stays in this room. I have to point out that all the rooms were prepaid much earlier so there was no risk od no paying. Still, the hotel did not note that and we had to pay again before the first night. Very very rude receptionists (both guys). I will never come back and I discourage anyone from booking a room here

  • Taha Mousavi

    Taha Mousavi


    In general I like the hotel, because the room was really clean and the staff were helpful and friendly. I also have to mention that the breakfast was good.

  • Michael Michaelides

    Michael Michaelides


    Very disappointed with the rooms we were allocated (family holiday booked months in advance) be warned the images used to showcase the room on the website have absolutely no relationship to the actual room you will receive. The images depicted a large family area with a sitting room, what we where given is two normal rooms with a joining door. Receptionist was not concerned in the slightest. Future costumers should be aware of this trick especially if it's a family holiday.

  • Anton Lorentzen

    Anton Lorentzen


    Okay hotel in a cute neighborhood. We arrived at night around 1am. It took us almost 45 minutes to check in because the receptionist first was asleep and had to be woken up, and then used 35 minutes just to find our booking and give us a key card for the room. He was helpful, but definitely not very professional. He even had to physically check if someone was in the room before letting us in. Concerning the price I would definitely expect more.

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