Securitas Sicherheitsdienst (Aviation) i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSecuritas Sicherheitsdienst (Aviation)



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Flughafen Tegel, 13405 Berlin, Deutschland
kontakter telefon: +49 30 41013716
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.554049, Longitude: 13.29168

kommentar 5

  • de

    Uwe Lüdeke


  • John Pearson

    John Pearson


    The worst and most inept Security staff I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. 6 staff to process one security point??? They were rude, joked with each other and were so slow I thought they had gone to sleep. You need less inefficient staff, and staff that have been better trained.

  • en

    Stefan Busch


    Obviously not well trained and rude people at Tegel Airport. I personally witnessed discriminatory behaviour. The Securitas-people may think whatever they want about any passenger, but speaking out those thoughts and making fun about passenger's appearance or nationality is unprofessional and mean. That kind of employee is a bad reputation not only for the company but for a whole country.

  • en

    Fernando Ariza Molina


    Really rude guy at the boarding gate security. Working in an airport and I asked him if he could talk to me in English and he just answered me "No, Deutsch" while his colleage crew was laughing. Should be well prepared helpful people working in an airport and not people Who hate their Jobs or the world in general. The guy was the one in the metal checking control at 5:30 in the morning in the flight Berlin-Tegel - Düsseldorf.

  • de

    Tilman Schwarze


    sehr unfreundliche Behandlung an der Sicherheitsschleuse hier in Tegel gerade. Auf den Hinweis, dass der Kollege doch bitte etwas freundlicher agieren könnte, wurde mir gedroht... ich bin schockiert.

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