Sana Klinikum Hof GmbH Chirurgische Klinik - Gefäßchirurgie i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSana Klinikum Hof GmbH Chirurgische Klinik - Gefäßchirurgie


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9, Eppenreuther Straße, 95032, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9281 982236
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Latitude: 50.3025002, Longitude: 11.915119

kommentar 5

  • Rainer Hecht

    Rainer Hecht


    Good information from the doctor about a hand operation. I could choose my surgery date myself within 2 months.

  • Andrzej Kowalczyk

    Andrzej Kowalczyk


    Disabled parking a bit far from the entrance

  • Anita Woitag

    Anita Woitag


    Yes, I think it's beautiful

  • Alexander König

    Alexander König


    In the meantime I have gained experience with doctors and hospitals and can really say that I would not want to be here as a patient. I preferred to visit the next hospital then as a patient. Alone with the chief doctor, I could choose ......, chief physician care, of course !! Have bad experience every time I was here. The service or support is under all sow. They are all competence, that is the assumption. Such a doctoral title does not write itself. The waiting times and the visits, the information you get, please what's that ?! We are in the millennium, the customer wants to be looked after sensibly and get a lot of information. Mistakes happen, that's part of it. But then talk to us, together we will find a solution. Fixes the bug, gives us a report. But not like this. There is still a lot of room for improvement, the fish always starts to stink from the head.

  • Bernd Vogler

    Bernd Vogler


    Long waiting time despite appointment !!

nærmeste Hospital

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