Ringberghaus i Suhl

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ringberg, 98527, Suhl, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3681 3890
internet side: www.ringberghotel.de
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Latitude: 50.6168441, Longitude: 10.7230377

kommentar 5

  • Sandsnake of Dorne

    Sandsnake of Dorne


    The staff is very unfriendly and they are totally overburdened by large groups. We had to give our meal order a week in advance and still we had to wait almost 40 minutes after the planned time for our food! The staff didnt apologize in any way and in fact was very rude about all of it. The food portions were really small for the price. The rooms are quite small, the WiFi had very bad reception. No sockets at the bedside. I will definitly not recommend this hotel if I am asked about it.




    Really amazing staff and great place. Rooms need ACs though and even the Panorama Suite heats up too much! Would be amazing to see those installed!

  • Eduard Pristavu (Tyson-Eddy)

    Eduard Pristavu (Tyson-Eddy)


    Very nice family hotel. Very calm region for hiking. Staff are very friendly and helpful, even kept us some food for very late arrival, just call in advance. Sauna and pool and parking available for a fee.

  • Daniel Schroeder

    Daniel Schroeder


    Solid, clean hotel. we seen all type of rooms - and used the Panaroma Suite ourselves. Interior, bed, space, and service, I perceived for arrangement, decent. Our package included access to the Sauna, Bathrobe, free premium parking, dinner and breakfast (optionally the room). Breakfast was not the most exciting one and items seemed rather supermarket than what I would expect from a 4star place. - room for improvement. Nevertheless, all present to complete (intercontinental). Dinner - due to covid only the 4 courses menu or dinner buffet had been available. Waiter are friendly but lacked a bit attention-level due to high work volume. Food was ok. There are bunches of activities available for children (kindergarten, playground, swimming pool, ping pong table etc.). Sauna - during covid - allows 6 people in the Finish sauna at the same time. Timeslot of 2 hours, to access the Spa area can be requested a day ahead. The room and bed: The Panaroma Suite has a long window, granting a lot of light and nice view over the parking lot and forrest. The entire room seems newly equipped. A huge bathroom with a bath tub and rain shower - handicapped accessible. Bed unfortunately is 180x200 cm with a center gap. Mattress was comfy. Flat TV which also allows the HDMI access (bring your ipad adaptor for netflix), free WiFi which was decently fast, while the hotel was quite full. Small desk and three chairs to sit-down and relax after a day of hiking.

  • Michal Vlha

    Michal Vlha


    Pretty German styled hotel built on top of a hill. Architecture from 90's is breathing from everywhere but after all is is a really nice place with kind service. But beware not all of the employees can speak English, so make sure to check out some basic words and phrases in German. Rooms are small but cozy, pool and SPA also new and reconstructed.

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