Rennsteighotel Grüner Baum i Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig

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TysklandRennsteighotel Grüner Baum



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Suhler Chaussee 3 98528 Suhl, 98711 Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 36782 70195
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.6082595, Longitude: 10.8110034

kommentar 5

  • Mario Klein

    Mario Klein


    We were there over the weekend from March 2nd to 4th, 2024. Nice little hotel with nice hosts. Check in without any problems, clean room with nice bathroom with shower. Breakfast was very good, requests were addressed immediately. Dinner in the restaurant was also delicious at fair prices. Had dinner in the dark on Sunday evening. Great experience with a great team. The food was great here too. A special thank you goes to our waitress Berit. She guided us through the evening very well and had the “shop” under control. An experience that can only be recommended. We'll definitely be back. Thank you to the entire Green Tree team and the Fuchsbau.

  • Alexander Straka

    Alexander Straka


    Strategically speaking, the hotel is located close to the center of the town and is therefore the starting point for many tours on foot as well as with other means of transport. We were able to have our experiences in the Fuchsbau... A restaurant in the dark... REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR THIS We thought it was a great experience. Thanks also for the beautiful stories from 15 years of dark dinner...

  • thomas storz

    thomas storz


    We were at the Fuchsbau on February 15, 2024. It was an experience that can hardly be put into words. Just beautiful. We can only recommend everyone to take part. Perfect service. You felt comfortable from the first moment. Thanks again to Volker for this wonderful evening we were able to spend with him. He does it wonderfully. Our room was a dream. Keep it up. We'd love to come back. Kind regards to the team 😘 Anna and Thomas

  • William Lee

    William Lee


    We had a wonderfully relaxed, long weekend at the “Grüner Baum”. The ample parking spaces at the house make it easy to get here. The welcome conversation with the innkeeper immediately showed that we were in the right place :-) The spacious and well-furnished room confirmed the first impression. A well-prepared collection of tour suggestions was ready for the next few days - however, due to the weather, we only tackled one tour in a somewhat abbreviated manner. The landlord, who is currently cooking himself, was also completely convincing here. His wife has everything under control in the dining room. As soon as she has adjusted to the guest, her charm is very pleasant. The humor is quick and dry - we think it's great - please keep it that way! The days were over far too quickly - and we wish the innkeepers a successful 2024

  • Christine Linz

    Christine Linz


    We were thrilled with the room furnishings. This is complaining on a high level, but the room fairy was in our room twice but unfortunately failed to vacuum. The shower was a nice size and the toilet was very clean. Unfortunately our room was right on the street, so it was quite loud. Here too, consideration was given and Oropax was prepared. 🙂 The food was excellent and the breakfast was sufficient and tasty. The service was also very good, but from time to time we had the impression that the lady at the service was a bit unfriendly. Otherwise we can really only recommend the hotel.

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