Reform i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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23, Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 173 4084537
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.52563, Longitude: 13.410577

kommentar 5

  • Vicky Heiler

    Vicky Heiler


    What a beautiful showroom!! I stopped by on a business trip to Berlin and instantly fell in love with the whole concept. So much that we actually ended up ordering an upgrade for our closet with Reform (PLATE brushed aluminum doors and sides). It really helped to see all of the designs and color options in person! The showroom is the perfect place to get inspired, see the endless possibilities and get a consultation or help with your Reform project.

  • Daniela Schinke

    Daniela Schinke


    We have had our reform kitchen for exactly 1 year now and we still love it. The quality of the fronts is excellent and still beautiful. The team in Berlin was always on hand to answer any questions.

  • Ciele Rose

    Ciele Rose


    They need to figure out how to make the process user friendly. Streamline is key

  • AN-NA Studio Arquitectura (Anna Faligowska)

    AN-NA Studio Arquitectura (Anna Faligowska)


    Inspiring showroom. Minimalistic design for Kitchen

  • Prashanth Makaram

    Prashanth Makaram


    Interesting idea, but limited in selection

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