Rechtsanwalt Wolfgang Sattler i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandRechtsanwalt Wolfgang Sattler


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52, Dircksenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 32528390
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Latitude: 52.5232912, Longitude: 13.4036163

kommentar 5

  • Carmelo Armenia

    Carmelo Armenia


    A competent lawyer. He was always available to my every need, and he always sent me the documents. His personal experience and his tone was very kind and competent, I made my divorce without problems

  • Viatcheslav Slavetskiy

    Viatcheslav Slavetskiy


    Urgently looking for a Russian-speaking family law attorney in Berlin. Turned to Mr. Sutler. Fluent in Russian, so it was very easy to explain! A lawyer with extensive experience quickly and professionally helped to resolve my issue. Highly recommend!

  • Stef Farde

    Stef Farde


    Mr. Sattler advised us competently in the area of ​​family law. The contact was quick, as was the first conversation. We are satisfied with his legal advice. The central location and the proximity to the S-Bahn / Tram are also a plus for Berliners.

  • Victoria Klaus

    Victoria Klaus


    During my divorce, I met Mr. Sattler as a very good adviser and prudent lawyer, who also assisted me in applying for legal aid. I can fully recommend him.

  • Frank Lange

    Frank Lange


    Unfortunately bad handling with clients. Concerns are dealt with quickly only with high amount in dispute. For small sums of Mr. Sattler is denied on the phone. A clear statement that it was not worth it, would have saved a lot of time and trouble. Recession i.A.

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