Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Kröller i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandProf. Dr. med. Jürgen Kröller



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148, Friedrichstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20076110
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Latitude: 52.5192381, Longitude: 13.3880754

kommentar 5

  • Renate Nikpour

    Renate Nikpour


    Prof. Kröller and his team are very competent, nice and polite !!!!!!!!!!!!! I made the recommendation to some of my friends and they all agreed! In this way I would like to give this practice five golden *****!

  • Rosemarie Pamer-Imik

    Rosemarie Pamer-Imik


    I am with Professor Dr. Med. JUERGEN KOELLER very satisfied.

  • Juliane Deinzer

    Juliane Deinzer


    If there are good doctors in Berlin only as "pins in a haystack", then this is one of them. You couldn't be more positive. Because of the assessment of the patient with hand problems: the suffering of hand sufferers is really immense. Hand surgeons are better informed, I am also looking for "better" doctors. The pain is usually very severe on this part of the body. It is not for nothing that hand-sick patients are always "psychiatrized" incorrectly, they need physical help, known (the wrong assignment of normal doctors to psychological instead of physical) is the textbook for M. Sudeck. I know the despair too well and that one asks which doctor will help. The doctor has a great understanding, I am convinced that he has the 100% prerequisite for practicing his profession, namely "mental health", and I hope that I have helped many who have (justified) concerns to find a doctor in Valenzen , or acts hostile to the patient. The atmosphere is so good that you can be highly concentrated even under pressure. Everything is really great.

  • Juliane neie

    Juliane neie


    So I can not complain. On the contrary. The team, like the doctor, tried to calm me down before the examination. Dr.Kröller even explained everything to me. Very nice person. If I had to go to the neurologist again, I would go back.

  • O A

    O A


    Racist, grob, unempfindlicher Artz. Ich empfehle niemanden. Racist, rude, insensitive doctor. Asked inappropriate questions, in order to humiliate. Would not recommend, a disgrace to this profession.

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