Postbank Filiale i Herdecke

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandPostbank Filiale



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7, Mühlenstraße, 58313, Herdecke, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 55005536
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.3975571, Longitude: 7.4285533

kommentar 5

  • Gi Bo

    Gi Bo


    Catastrophic!!! Thrown out 10 minutes before closing! During the period in which I made my transfer, the employee pampered two older women in such a way that they immediately left the branch out of fear. Willingness to help = 0.0 Insulting at that. The gentlemen should be terminated immediately! Absolutely damaging to business !!!!!!!!!

  • Libelle38 Sylvia

    Libelle38 Sylvia


    The opening times are terrible, no chance to get parcels, it has been in the branch for a week, perishable goods can only be disposed of. Something must finally be done here.

  • SQ80



    Open and close as you want, on some days just completely closed. When open, usually only one employee in the branch and this is so unmotivated that you could just throw up

  • Dieter Alze

    Dieter Alze


    Good post office and post bank branch. Friendly service.

  • Manuel P

    Manuel P


    In the afternoon at 3.30 p.m. only one employee and 26 minutes of tinkering with a customer's account, then you stood in line until outside in the rain (my total waiting time: 31 minutes) ... I get paid for the time, but I'm not sure how my employer would understand it to find out that sending a letter costs so much more than € 50 ... save staff, but want to offer everything at the same time - disaster ...

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