OBI Markt Helmstedt i Helmstedt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandOBI Markt Helmstedt



🕗 åbningstider

6, Werner-von-Siemens-Straße, 38350, Helmstedt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5351 55720
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.239672, Longitude: 10.9907087

kommentar 5

  • Izy 7755

    Izy 7755


    You don't even have to try to reach the market by phone because it is not possible. It rings and rings but nothing comes. 1st call 9min; 2nd call 8min; 3. Call for 5 minutes, then go somewhere else where you can get advice by phone in advance. OBI also needs 1 day to approve an online reservation for collection. How slow is that please? At Hornbach z. B. you make a reservation and can pick it up the same day after a few hours. Always reachable by phone. I see two worlds in the hardware store sector.

  • Anja Mewes-Parschau

    Anja Mewes-Parschau


    We are very satisfied with the customer service at OBI Helmstedt. You are always ready to help and advise. If something is not in stock, the article will be ordered. The purchase of freight items and their delivery has always worked smoothly up to now.

  • Dnstec Profi

    Dnstec Profi


    Sometimes a single part works at OBI. That's it You place an order come to Obi because supposedly everything is ready. Then you are told "We don't have time for orders". Hornbach has a better selection and everything is put together properly. OBI Helmstedt = NOGO

  • Michael Busch

    Michael Busch


    There is nothing to complain about. Very nice and committed people who do their work for the benefit of the customer. It should be like this and not otherwise. Many Thanks!

  • [QTW]Treckerfahrer



    Large selection. Nice personel. Unfortunately, a lot is sold out quickly and often

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