Netto Filiale i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandNetto Filiale



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5, Rathausstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 800 2000015
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5192555, Longitude: 13.4103926

kommentar 5

  • pts pts

    pts pts


    Well organized with good selection

  • Ramon Preuss

    Ramon Preuss


    The visit today was one of my worst experiences in Berlin as the staff had been rude and very unfriendly. They ignored request for help with their non working auto cashier and left the customers waiting and even called the Police on other customers who were also not helped by the staff.

  • Agustina Lara Lopez

    Agustina Lara Lopez


    The best! So cheap and you have a lot of stuff

  • Ryan Hibbert

    Ryan Hibbert


    They usually have most stuff and they are introducing automated checkout counters. So you can be in and out very quickly

  • Alessio Ganci (alessioganci com)

    Alessio Ganci (alessioganci com)


    I should confirm what already said by other people: I have also spotted a lot of drunk and homeless people. More security here would be advisable. The place itself is good and with cheap prices.

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