NC Klinik Am Forum GmbH & Co. KG i Ludwigsburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandNC Klinik Am Forum GmbH & Co. KG



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30, Stuttgarter Straße, 71638, Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7141 93790
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.8920417, Longitude: 9.1939607

kommentar 5

  • C. Schaefer

    C. Schaefer


    I have been very pleased with Dr P. Kafritsas. I have never had such medical care and care before. He is always very friendly and helpful. Professionally competent, impeccable. I can thank Dr. Highly recommend Kafritsas. And the staff / all med. Technical assistants have always been very friendly and very nice with me. We were also very helpful in the follow-up care after the PRT or outpatient surgery.

  • Stefan Lambert

    Stefan Lambert


    Excellent treatment, super nice team, very good, open, honest advice and treatment by Dr Dschaak. I was really told all of the healing possibilities and the many different treatment options. Dr Wirth was also really great with the syringes, I don't think you can be treated better. Keep it up, be a great team! I can only recommend this clinic! The long journey to get there for me was also worth it

  • kerstin schulz

    kerstin schulz


    For me the best team I got to know. The nurses on the ward caring without end. Doctors and all the hard-working helpers examining the hammer. Thanks for everything.

  • Joachim Klumpp

    Joachim Klumpp


    For many years I have had problems and severe pain in the lumbar vertebrae, intervertebral discs, have received a referral to the PRT from my orthopedist. I am as good as joking ... I would like to thank Dr. Wirth, and Dr. Panagiotis Kafritsas for this treatment. Very good doctors. Education, treatment, ... Just thank you

  • Bla Bla

    Bla Bla


    As a cash patient, you don't get an MRI appointment! Unless you pay yourself!

nærmeste Hospital

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