MVZ Pinneberg II i Pinneberg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandMVZ Pinneberg II


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74, Fahltskamp, 25421, Pinneberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 4101 51777740
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Latitude: 53.654995, Longitude: 9.811051

kommentar 5

  • Kornelia Schaaf

    Kornelia Schaaf


    Today I went to the MVZ for a colonoscopy and was treated so nicely and kindly as a patient. Many Thanks

  • Meisje Kellermann

    Meisje Kellermann


    I am completely enthusiastic about Ms. Bahl as an orthopedic surgeon. She works very thoroughly in diagnostics. I don't like it when doctors only write down medication for “treatment” in order to get rid of the patient quickly. Wherever possible, it encourages people to take the initiative, of course supported by physiotherapy or acupuncture, for example. In my opinion, this is also the right way to go. I can only recommend the practice, even if the availability by telephone is definitely in need of improvement.

  • Christina Scholz

    Christina Scholz


    Very well organized and friendly specialist staff. From the registration to the last conversation with the doctor, you feel that you are in good hands. Only the accessibility by phone is very difficult. Otherwise please keep it up!

  • Colin Mann

    Colin Mann


    Friendly staff although the hospital signage is very poor... Two examples.... 1. Huge sign saying haupteingang with a sign saying kein Eingang... 2. They should have an idiots guide to define what the difference is between Notaufnahme and Allgemeinärtlich is...

  • Tatiana Liogchii

    Tatiana Liogchii


    Dr. Henniges is very polite, has a nice attitude to the customer, explains everything and is gentle in treatment.

nærmeste Hospital

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