Mitte Zahnkompetenz im Zentrum | Prof. Dr. Andreas Olze und Kollegen i Berlin

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TysklandMitte Zahnkompetenz im Zentrum | Prof. Dr. Andreas Olze und Kollegen



🕗 åbningstider

186, Friedrichstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 206138690
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Latitude: 52.5113862, Longitude: 13.3894216

kommentar 5

  • Tarun Kumar

    Tarun Kumar


    I have had two Dentalhygienikerin done with Dr. Pamela Rilling and these 5 stars are all for her. She is very competent, professional and super friendly. I would keep visiting for Dr. Riling.

  • Laura Sophie Dornheim

    Laura Sophie Dornheim


    They are now trying to have bad reviews deleted via a lawyer. That should tell you everything about this place. (I was a patient there twice, bad experience, they just want to maximize profit. Now they claim I have never been there.)

  • Elza Brundzule

    Elza Brundzule


    If you are a person that values your money, agreements and nerves.. don't go there

  • Rebecca Segall

    Rebecca Segall


    100% theives. Dentist "changed" his diagnosis (adding completely unneccessary procedures) after initial check up and failed to communicate this prior to treatment. Bill over 1000 euros, only partly refundable from the insurance. Zero apologies from the dentists, who in failing to disclose all this to treatment are breaching consumer laws. Would never recommend.

  • BrettAlexander Hall

    BrettAlexander Hall


    Great, quick and professional.

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