Mercure Hotel Bad Oeynhausen City i Bad Oeynhausen

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TysklandMercure Hotel Bad Oeynhausen City


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3-7, Königstraße, 32545, Bad Oeynhausen, Detmold, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5731 25890
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Latitude: 52.2050383, Longitude: 8.7995745

kommentar 5

  • P Ro

    P Ro


    Great stay. Everyone was friendly, breakfast was good and the room was clean. Of the 4 rooms that were used in our party everyone had a slow shower drain. Very slow. The water filled up and you were standing in 3 inches of water when you tried to get out as fast as you could.

  • BlackCountry MagdeburgDave

    BlackCountry MagdeburgDave


    Near to the station and town centre. Well presented and comfortable rooms. Strange online check in that didn't seem to work properly. Reception staff almost non existent.

  • Andrew Seton

    Andrew Seton


    We stay at Mercure BO every year for 2 x 2-night stays: one on the way from UK to Poland and one on the way back. The accessible room and bathroom are spacious, beautifully decorated and in all respects perfect for my wife, who has to use a wheelchair, and me. Our dogs are more than tolerated by staff and other guests. The breakfasts are fabulous, enhanced by the extremely warm and helpful presence of Mathias (Herr Fischer?) and his colleagues. He even helps me prepare a trolley of food to take to my wife in the bedroom if she’s resting. He greets us each time like long list friends and we love him. Bad Oeynhausen is the ideal place to rest for a full day from motorway driving. It is undemanding, never ‘busy’ and, although unexceptional in most respects, has a beautiful park for gentle walks and excellent spa facilities if you want them. Not a gastronomic centre but offers one or two places with reasonable home cooking (eg Cult). But make the Mercure breakfast your main meal and you’ll get by. Great place and location to chill out.

  • Alessio Vicario

    Alessio Vicario


    I visited this hotel during a business trip. Big chambers, but the furniture seemed quite old. Comfy bed, with very heavy covers and you had to put them in place by yourself. Great breakfast/restaurant space, very nice and with a lot of particular things to eat, both sweet and salty. Covered parking lot (not free) available with direct access from the hotel. Nice position to enjoy the city center.

  • Michael Peters

    Michael Peters


    Great location- Friendly staff at Check in and checking out. Special thanks to the breakfast buffet staff which is excellent . Room was also clean and comfortable. But A/C is completely useless. You must leave the unlocked door open and hang out an exhaust hose. Bugs got into my room and it was a really bad night. I have been here many times during the winter months and will continue- But I cannot recommend this place in the warmer months.

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